These terms apply since September, 2020.
These terms may evolve. In case this happens, the new terms will apply to data transfered after the new terms have been published. The new terms won't revoke protections granted to previously transfered data.
Hot Maze (the Service) is an online system to transfer data from a source device A to a target device B.
The User must be in control of the browser of the source device A, of the target device B, and of the data D to be transfered from A to B.
The Service is provided free of charge for the User.
The Service is provided without any guarantee, except the best-effort policy to respect the privacy of the personal data of its Users.
The Service doesn't use and doesn't store the identity of its Users.
The only personal data involved is the payload D that the User explicitly requests to transit by the Service, using an upload action.
The data D sent from A to B is routed through intermediary servers: the Brokers and the File server.
All data transfers are protected by HTTPS protocol:
The transfered data D is kept private and is never made publicly available.
The transfered data D is not disclosed to third parties.
The transfered files are provided to the target B through short-lived URLs. The URLs expire after a maximum of ten minutes. This means that after ten minutes, the User cannot use a specific URL anymore. Expiring URLs do not prevent the User from saving the transfered files to the storage of target device B.
Hot Maze currently doesn't implement end-to-end encryption. This means that the service owner could (theorically) read the data D transiting through the Service.
The Service uses cloud computing infrastructure providers. The facilities are Google Cloud Run and Google Cloud Storage. The infrastructure providers are bound by explicit privacy policies. However, it is technically feasible that they read the data D transiting through the Service. Whether this would constitute a violation of their own policies is debatable on a case-by-case basis.
Anonymous data may be gathered for statistics purpose. This data includes, and is not limited to: